IAA Green Good Design2022 announce Green Oasis

GOOD DESIGN™ was founded in Chicago in 1950 by Eero Saarinen, Charles and Ray Eames, and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. to promote and foster a greater public understanding and acceptance for Modern Design.

In 2022, seven decades later, this new edition of GOOD DESIGN™ aims to bring a parallel public appreciation and awareness for an equally revolutionary design approach-a new design thinking led by a current generation of visionary architects, designers, urban planners, corporations, governments, individuals, and private and public institutions for a design and a public environment based upon the ideals of energy conservation; the reduction of toxic waste and greenhouse gases; the diminishing dependence on fossil fuels; and a sensitivity for waste, pollution, and the depletion of the world's energy resources. This new design

GOOD DESIGN™1950年由Eero Saarinen、CharlesRay Eames以及Edgar Kaufmann Jr.創立於芝加哥,旨在促進和促進公眾對現代設計的理解和接受。

七十年後的2022年,新版《GOOD DESIGN™》旨在為公眾帶來一種同樣具有革命性的設計方法,一種由當代富有遠見的建築師、設計師、城市規劃師、企業、政府、個人、私人和公共機構的設計和公共環境基於節能的理念;減少有毒廢物和溫室氣體;對化石燃料依賴的減少;對浪費、污染和世界能源枯竭的敏感。這種新的設計方法的核心思想是修復我們的全球環境,實現可持續發展和全面的生態恢復。