英國權威媒體CLAD global發佈事務所作品《The Green Isle》!

英國權威媒體CLADglobal雜誌位於英格蘭東部哈特福郡 (Hertfordshire),上周末發佈事務所作品《碳佐麻里時代園區》(The Green Isle) ,探討商業空間置入環保意識以及人類在環境中的覺知,發文中對於我個人的看法製作了小標題:整合人造光源與環境的自然光源進行對比,將有助於模糊室內外空間的邊界。

The UK's authoritative media, CLADglobal magazine, is located in Hertfordshire in the east of England. Last weekend, it had been published The Green Isle, one of my recently projects, which explores environmental awareness and human awareness in the environment. In this article that made a subtitle for my personal opinion: Contrasting the artificial light source with the natural light source helps to blur the boundary between the interior and exterior space.
