作品《大境和觀》、《臺東金樽林宅》榮獲A'design award 大獎!

義大利A' Design Award是全球領先的國際年度設計比賽。主要目的是希望建立一個能展示優秀設計作品的地方於不同領域的優秀設計師們,藉由比賽點燃和激勵不同的創意並產生獨到的見解和新的理念創造出最卓越的產品。参赛作品需要通過專業的業內評審及匿名評審,評審團包括了經驗豐富的專家學者、傑出的媒體人士和專業人士。

此次的競賽事務所共參加3項作品,作品分別榮獲《大境和觀》(TOPOSITION Construction Office) 室內設計類金獎、《臺東金樽林宅》建築類銀獎及室內設計類銀獎。

The A' Design Award held in Italy, is one of the world's leading annual international design competitions. The main purpose is to expose great designers in a variety of fields and showcase outstanding design works. Which could ignite and inspire different ideas while also allowing unique insights. The competition exhibits some of the best products in existence. Entries need to pass the professional industry accreditation and an anonymous review. The jury included experienced experts, scholars, and outstanding media professionals.

The company participated with three works, which won the Gold Award for Interior Design due to the TOPOSITION Construction Office, the Silver Award for Architecture due to the GASEA-The Cliff House and the Silver Award in the Interior Design category.


A' Design Award - Topposition Construction Office
A' Design Award - Gasea-The Cliff House Cliff House
A' Design Award - Gasea Cliff House