事務所作品《KCI集團總部辦公室》榮獲2018 WAF 世界建築獎 辦公室建築類別,V2com Newswire媒體表示針對事務所2年來連續獲獎WAF除了表示恭賀外將轉載本案作品於網址上。V2com是一家專門將設計和建築資訊推廣至全球的網路媒體,為客戶提供最新的設計資訊,該媒體已經被認為是全球數千媒體專業平台供相關專業人士及其他雜誌媒體尋求資源的重要參考網站。
The firm's "KCI Group Headquarters Office" won the 2018 WAF World Architecture Festival Awards office-completed building category. V2Com Newswire media published an article on their site stating that the firm had won the award twice in the past two years. V2Com is a newswire service that promotes design and architecture to a selection of media outlets. They provide their clients with an opportunity to reach the corners of the world in terms of media coverage. V2Com are a critical source for journalists, reporters and bloggers who cover the architecture and design industry. It provides them with valuable resources from which to create their stories to influence the creative industries worldwide.