

2018 WAF世界建築節活動於1128日在阿姆斯特丹RAI國際會展中心舉行,會中邀約本次世界建築獎所有獲獎人員參與針對各自獲獎項目做演說,為期三天的活動中,世界知名建築師齊聚一堂做經驗的分享與交流。

事務所羅先生繼去年獲獎今年再次以辦公建築完成類別入圍Shortlist,得獎作品為《KCI集團總部辦公室》(KCI. Group Headquarters Offices),在2811:40 AM如期演說,同行受邀德國STO公司友人Michael Kirn 一起出席演說並現場解答國際評審即席問題。同樣出席本次盛會的有多位國際知名事務所前輩,諸如諾曼福斯特(Norman Foster)、哈蒂事務所代表(Zaha Hadid Architects)、日建設計(Nikken Sekkei)、Sanjay PuriWohastudio MK27等。

2018 World Architecture Festival Finalist Speech Awards

The World Architecture Awards Association of World Architecture Awards has announced this year's winners. The design works from different countries in the world were contested. There are three categories in this competition, 27 well-known architects participated in Realised (complete project), Designed (concept project), and youth creation students. The jury members are honorary members and past winners from all over the world. The composition, each category will be selected by the jury members of the best 10 award-winning works, the firm in Tainan U-QUALITY of residential building works "Greenlight Manor" this time in the Realised winners list, this is the company's second consecutive year of awards.

Mr. Lo, who was nominated last year, was re-nominated in the category of completed office buildings this year. The winning project was the “KCI Group Headquarters Office” and the speech was delivered at 11:40 am on the 28th. A friend of the company Michael Kirn gave the speech and answered the international jury’s questions. Also attending this event were other senior professionals from internationally renowned firms such as Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid Architects, Nikken Sekkei, Sanjay Puri and Woha. , studio MK27 and so on.