作品《大境和觀》、《翡翠森林社區會所》入圍ABB LEAF Awards最後決選!

今年ABB LEAF Awards匯集了來自世界各地建築設計界的100多位頂尖資深人士來對參賽作品進行評判,該獎項已舉辦超過17年,所有入圍作品和獲獎項目都將被認為是建築設計行業未來的基準。2018年,來自英國,美國,加拿大,日本,中國,科威特,法國,印度,巴西,西班牙,斯洛伐克,土耳其等地的全球各地的真正國際參賽作品數量達到創紀錄的水平。入圍項目來自領先的國際建築事務所,如Zaha Hadid Architects、Sanjay Puri、Aedas,Studio mk27、Ingenhoven Architects, Perkins+Will, SOM, Rockwell Group, noa* Network of Architecture, Claudio Silvestrin等。

本事務所2件作品,《大境和觀》(TOPOSITION Construction Office)、《翡翠森林社區會所》(Green Places Community Clubhouse)分別在〈室內設計類別〉及〈商業建築類別〉同時入圍最後決選,而在商業建築類別裡,諾曼福斯特(Norman Foster)、日建設計(Nikken Sekkei)及Aedas出現在最後決選名單之列,一同競逐年度大獎,深感榮幸。

This year's ABB LEAF Awards brought together more than 100 top veterans from around the world in the architectural design community to judge the entries. The awards have been held for over 17 years and all finalists and award-winning projects are considered benchmarks of the architectural design industry. In 2018, there were a number of truly international entries from all over the world including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, China, Kuwait, France, India, Brazil, Spain, Slovakia, and Turkey. The finalists were from leading international architectural firms such as Zaha Hadid Architects, Sanjay Puri, Aedas, Studio MK27, Ingenhoven Architects, Perkins+Will, SOM, Rockwell Group, Noa* Network of Architecture, Claudio Silvestrin and others.

The firm's two works, "TOPOSITION Construction Office" and "Green Places Community Clubhouse" were selected as finalists in the "Interior Design Category" and "Commercial Building Category" respectively. In the commercial building category, Norman Foster, Nikken Sekkei and Aedas were among the finalists, and they were honored to compete for the annual award.


Official ABB LEAF Awards 2018 Shortlist Announced !