計畫趕不上變化《Comfort in Context》原預計於德國LEICHT發表

2020年因為新冠病毒疫情推遲包括奧運、威尼斯雙年建築展及國際米蘭傢俱展等,全球壟罩在疫情的陰影下,重組了未來的社會秩序,以及對環境的反思。我的新作品" Comfort in Context " 原預計在今年4月的國際米蘭傢俱展中在德國LEICHT廚具的年鑑中刊登,這個計畫也被改變了,計畫永遠趕不上變化的時代…,在此跟我的好友分享。

In 2020, many things were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Olympics, the Venice Biennale Exhibition, and the Salone del Mobile Milano etc., the world is under the shadow of the epidemic, reorganizing future social relationships and reflecting on the environment. My new project "Comfort in Context" was originally scheduled to be published in the German LEICHT Küchen's Yearbook at the Salone del Mobile Milano in April 2020. This plan has also been changed; the plans never seem to catch up with the changes...I wanted to share this with my friends.Link:
