Confort in Context》 在Private Residential Built類別成為唯一獲獎者

The Architecture Community今早發佈2020 International Residential Architecture Awards Winner名單,我個人作品在阿公店水庫旁的住宅案”Confort in Context” 在Private Residential Built 該類別成為唯一獲獎者,相信這對於我是一個相當大的鼓勵,期待事務所能夠邁向更為成熟的國際市場。

The Architecture Community released the list of 2020 International Residential Architecture Awards Winners this morning. My project next to the Agongdian Reservoir, “Comfort in Context”, became the only winner in the Private Residential Built category. This provides me great encouragement and I am excited about the firm's move towards the international market.