世界建築獎34nd Cycle室內設計獎再獲獎,已連續4年取得肯定
2020 World Architecture Awards世界建築獎34nd Cycle室內設計獎近日宣佈獲獎者名單,事務所作品 ” COCY-The cornerstone of the city” 及"Anti Chamber" 同時獲得委員評審十大獲獎及高級會員五大獲獎者榮譽,羅先生連續4年取得WA Award 建築獎的肯定,今年初這個比賽單位推出室內設計類,讓更多從業者可以一同參與,在此分享。
2020 The Interior Design Award of the World Architecture Awards 34nd Cycle recently announced the list of winners. My firm's projects "COCY-The cornerstone of the city" and "Anti Chamber" were granted the top ten awards by Jury and the top five awards by the WAC members ratings. Mr. Lo has won the WA Award for four years. This is the 2nd time Interior Design Award, hopefully more participants can join together.