12021 A+Firm Awards 獲獎

This morning, ARCHITIZER released the winners of the 1st Annual A+Firm Awards. Mr. Lo’s projects was a Finalist and received special mention awards in the architectural commercial, conceptual, the interior commercial and interior residential category respectively. Entries are judged by distinguished luminaries from fields as diverse as design, technology, real estate, media and more. More than 400 firms — hailing from 50 countries across 6 continents — submitted their portfolio for competition. It is recognized as one of the most influential awards.

今早 ARCHITIZER 發佈了第一屆2021 A+Firm Awards得獎名單,本事務所作品分別在建築商業及概念類別與室內商業及住宅類別的獲獎名單中得到FinalistSpecial mention等獎項,與全球共有31家建築事務所共同享有這份榮譽。參賽作品由來自世界各地的設計、產品、房地產、媒體等等領域傑出評審評判,來自六大洲50個國家的400多家專業設計事務所參與此項競賽,被公認為最具影響力的最高獎項。


Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute on Architizer